
Unlock your career potential with personalized guidance from Career  Counseling. Discover your strengths, passions, and ideal career path through comprehensive assessments. Our experienced counselors help set realistic goals and develop strategies for success. Navigate the job market confidently with tailored advice on industries and growth opportunities.

Online Counselling

Convenience is key in today’s fast-paced world. Our online counseling services offer the flexibility to connect with a licensed counselor from the comfort of your own space. Whether you prefer video sessions or text-based communication, we have options that cater to your needs, making mental health support easily accessible.

Offline Counselling

Life’s journey is filled with twists and turns, and at times, we all need a guiding hand. Welcome to Ocean Pride Maritime, where we provide dedicated and personalized offline counseling services to help you navigate life’s challenges with confidence and resilience.


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100 One Time
  • Personal Interaction
  • Immediate Clarifications
  • Building Trust and Rapport
  • Industry Knowledge
  • Counselling in Office


350 One Time
  • Personal Interaction
  • Career Planning
  • Navigating Admission Processes
  • Industry knowledge
  • Counselling through Zoom Call.